This is a demo of the club module in SaaP and runs for approximately six months of a game season. You can choose to manage any club from the game database and play that as often as you wish.
The downloaded file is a 16 Mbyte Zip file. For most it will be self-unzipping, self-installing just by double clicking on the file name (some versions of Vista seem to need you to open the file
in WinZip). Install it in a folder of your choice - say C:\games\saap2009 or something, it doesn't have to already exist the install process will create it. Load the game by clicking on SAAP.EXE
(make a shortcut on your desktop for future sessions)
If you choose later to buy the full game then this will install over your demo game and you'll be able to continue for as long as you wish. The full game comes
with an international management game which can be run independantly of the club game or together with it. There are also two Edit programs that will
allow you to keep your club and international databases easily up to date or even produce fictitious leagues or competitions of your own.
The one-off download game comes for Au$30 - which converts to about US$24 or 17 British Pounds - or you can join SaaP Online for Au$40 - less than US$33 or 24
Pounds - which gives you all the above with 12 months of upgrades, updates etc. Subsequent years' subscriptions to SaaP Online cost half that Au$20 - approximately
US$17 or 12 Pounds per year - but are not automatically extended.
So give it a try, visit the forum and let us know what you think.