![]() "The others will simply have to introduce this if they wish to keep up" Internet Gamer Review
Artificial Intelligence Interaction with Players
Years ago SaaP introduced player pep-talks in the dressing room and on the training pitch which involved motivating players by selecting from a range of statements which influence the players. Different
types of players (temperament) react differently. It's ok but not very convincing.
But designers have always known the answer to this but shied away from the design difficulty - a LISA style Artificial Intelligence module that accepts the users own words and produces suitable responses from
the players. A bit like a modern Google search.
Late last year (2008) I bit the bullet and in January of this year introduced into SaaP 2009 such a system which has been a big hit with users as they take the opportunity
to vent their emotions on players. Half time comments such as "You complete cretin, miss another chance like that and you're looking for another club" are apparently quite common now.
Currently the system is used in dressing room, individual player pep-talks but is currently being expanded to squad talks, training ground talks and career and form discussions with players.
Throughout the site click on the thumbs for the full screen shots